Friday, April 19, 2013


My first day in Fredericksburg was spent out and about in 888.  First, I experienced Trade Days -- which occurs the third weekend of each month.
This poppy is so striking!
Trade Days parking: 888 is parked third from left

At 9 a.m., the temperatures were in the 60s with a hefty wind. However, this was perfect for leaving Mac in 888 without worrying about him getting too hot.  I enjoyed the variety of vendors within "barns" and set up outside. 
I searched for metal meshy containers I could put apples, oranges, and grapefruit in that would keep them them secure yet allow air circulation. I found two unique metal containers -- my mission accomplished.

We...wanted the LBJ Ranch to be our home for the remaining years left to us, and then to be open for all who wished to visit.--Lady Bird Johnson, 1999
My second stop was the LBJ Ranch and Texas White House in Stonewall. I learned a great deal about LBJ and was impressed with what I learned. LBJ and Mrs. Johnson donated a portion of the Ranch to the National Park Service in 1972 with the stipulation that it remain a working ranch. It has grown from 269 acres to 700 acres.
That's what I love about traveling --it broadens my understanding of people, things, and events.

LBJ - 1973; Mrs. Johnson 2007
Toured inside this Texas White House 
Johnson air field with small USA plane -- 888 on right

 I'd recommend visiting the LBJ National Historical Park.

After visiting the Park, I visited the Becker Vineyards because they also have a lavender farm. I was tempted to participate in their wine tasting, BUT ...

Seen at Wildseed Farms
Poppy, Cosmos, Gloriosa Daisy-also seen at Wildseed Farm
White Laura Bush Petunias and Bluebells

I now know why so many people rave about their visit to Fredericksburg -- I haven't even been downtown yet and I'm loving this area...

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