Friday, April 26, 2013


John Muir's quote fit my visit to Living Desert Zoo & Gardens perfectly. 

I spent two hours experiencing 1.3 miles of Chihuahuan Desert habitat. Good to know their zoo is a safe haven for animals that might not have survived or can no longer survive in the wild.

The flowers were lovely and I especially love the photos I took of the mountain lion and the bobcat.

Bobcat -- a perfect pose, just for me
Bolson Tortoise
Claret Cup Cactus
Interesting info...

Mountain lion
Looks fierce -- BUT I caught him/her in a yawn
Prairie dog
Heart - sums up all of my adventures
Drove to Roswell, New Mexico, to check out the UFO Museum.  Their exhibit includes photos and comments of residents and military.  Very interesting ….

 Spent the night in Clovis, NM.  This morning, Friday, April 26, I will start drive back to Chicago. My plan is be driving through Oklahoma and Arkansas over the weekend to avoid rush hour traffic.  Weather forecasts look good so far -- I'll keep my fingers crossed.  It's been a wonderful adventure!!

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