Thursday, April 25, 2013


Carlsbad Caverns is identified as a “subterranean marvel” and that is an understatement.  It definitely warrants being recognized as one of twenty USA World Heritage Sites.

Left Hand Tunnel (professionally lit photo) It was dark when we toured
Getting to the Visitor Center when it opened was worth the effort -- I purchased the last ticket for the Left Hand Tunnel tour and it’s only offered once a day. 
Lit only by the 15 lanterns carried by each of us, plus our ranger, we trekked 1/2 mile through an undeveloped section on unpaved trails to see cave pools, ancient reef fossils, and unique formations. 
Survey #58 embedded into tunnel wall
 At one point, we all blew out our candles and experienced total darkness. It was an amazing moment--and my favorite one! 
Next, I toured the The Big Room--a self-guided tour (with audio) that covered 1-1/4 miles. The lighting was done by theatre professionals – and they did what they do WELL (as can be somewhat noted by my photos).  I, and everyone else, kept taking photo after photo.  I was hopeful that a few of my photos would capture some of the beauty of the formations.  I was  happy with these few.

Chinese Theatre - one of my favorite
Column, stalactites and stalagmites

So delicate

Reminds me of jellyfish

Great color and texture 

Rock of Ages Column

Rather than visit the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, I decided to check out Brantley Lake State Park for a campsite -- which is “first come, first serve.” I found a lovely site and hooked up 888. Put Mac’s hammock out and got him settled,
Mac before I started to drive forward
I looked closer at the site and noted 888 would be more level if I pulled up a few feet – so I jumped into 888 and started driving forward – well Mac frantically started barking and jumped off his hammock (fortunately I had his leash hooked to the picnic table).  Poor fellow thought I was leaving him….
 As I finished up these notes, the sun has set. There is a full moon with stars twinkling in a black sky – no other lights except inside RVs – I’ll sleep good tonight and won’t be getting up at 6 a.m. like this morning.

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