Saturday, February 16, 2013


Couldn’t resist parking along the Seawall and walking along the Gulf with Mac –
it was a another beautiful day in Galveston.
888 gets us around Galveston today.  First, we go to Big Reef Nature Park and check out a variety of birds.
White Pelicans (top) and Roseate Spoonbill (bottom right)



Then a stop for lunch at a popular restaurant named Casey’s – next to Gaidos on Seawall Blvd. Both restaurants have been owned by the same family since 1911; locals recommend both of them. 

Casey’s is casual; Gaidos is dressy. I couldn’t resist getting the Gulf shrimp wrapped in cheese and a bacon strip – it came with rice and chessy potatoes. Glad I have a refrig for my “doggy bag.”
888 parked along Seawall (built after 1900 hurricane)

After lunch, 888, Mac and I took a ferry ride across the Gulf to the Bolivar Peninsula.  

Boarding Ferry

The ferry service is free; we waited about 15 minutes to board and another 15 minutes to get to the other side.  
On Ferry

After departing the ferry, I drove the two-lane highway to Crystal Beach. In 2008, the hurricane “Ike” devastated this area with 25 foot waves. They are still recovering and rebuilding – all buildings have to be built on stilts. 

Pastures are still recovering from the salt water.  

I stopped at a Kite-Windsock store and met the owner, a young woman from Nebraska. She is getting married and building a home in Crystal Beach – she’s never experienced a hurricane. I bought a lovely windsock from her and wished her luck.
888, Mac, and I took the ferry back to Galveston. 
Another lovely day!

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