Saturday, December 22, 2012


888 sandwiched in between my tree lights and fence lights

Santa wears shorts when visiting Texans
Last night, Santa and Mrs. Claus, plus residents of Tip O'Texas, gathered to sing Christmas carols throughout the Park. Three different groups assembled: those who chose to walk; those to chose to ride as a group; and those who chose to drive a golf cart and/or bike.  I rode my 3-wheel bike with Mac in the basket.
Mac in basket listening to caroling

Residents passed out glasses of cider to carolers
Residents listened to accordion accompaniment of songs with Santa and carolers


Last night, Santa and Mrs. Claus plus residents of Tip O'Texas, gathered to sing Christmas carols throughout the Park. Three different groups assembled: those who chose to walk; those to chose to ride as a group; and those who chose to drive a golf cart and/or bike.  I rode my 3-wheel bike with Mac in the basket.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge

Grackle and Green Jay
Russ, Sheryl, and Casey invited Mac and me to join them for a visit to Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge located about  a 1-1/2 hour drive northeast of Pharr.

The ocelot is a small, wild cat found only in south Texas. Among thorny trees and shrubs, ocelots find food and shelter as they search for their mates and raise their young.  Thorny forest habitats are being protected, so that ocelots can survive.
  Aplomado FalconAplomado Falcon was reintroduced from Mexico after disappearing from south Texas in the 1950’s because of pesticide use, habitat change, and egg collection. It is currently seen in coastal prairies of Laguna Atascosa.

Vulture and Gull with fish at Gull's foot 
Great Blue Heron

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Bike group (I'm on left with orange/yellow vest) rides to breakfast on Friday mornings.  It's a nice way to learn more about the area and get exercise. 

Re-positioned 888 to sit facing east (instead of south). Now the south and north winds flow through the windows of 888 keeping Mac and I comfortable inside. Also sitting on the north side of 888 blocks out the wind and sun -- so Mac sits on his hammock and me on my chaise and we relax. Saw a great egret outside my window; the next day I saw it fly from one post to another - magnificnt.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rio Grand Valley Roadtrips

Gerry, an Atlantic Green turtle, was stranded during a mid 80’s hurricane.  After his capture, he became too friendly with humans making it unsafe for him to be released. Hence, he lives in a 20,000 gallon tank where he interacts with the public and eats lettuce. Gerry has met both Johnny Carson and David Letterman.


 South Padre Island is a lifesaver for birds migrating from Southern Mexico and northern Central America. Its Word Birding Center includes 4800 linear feet of boardwalks and seven bird blinds.

Reddish Egret

Bales seen as we drove to Jaber Estate Winery, the first vineyard in Rio Grand Valley
Grapes left over after Feb/June harvest
After years of working in the Texas oil fields, Mr. Jaber began his dream of a vineyard in 2009 to prove great wine can become a reality in the Valley.  Cattle, horses, sheep, ducklings share his 200+ acreage. We wine-tasted his red and his white wine - produced from 100% of his grapes creates a dry and unique taste.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mac checks out the Thanksgiving feast...
It's been wonderful sitting in my chaise lounge along side Mac relaxing in his hammock outside 888. The weather has become delightful (70s, ok wind, partly sunny). 

Worked my first weekend in the office by myself and survived with only a few mishaps -- so I'm good to go.

Been working on a marquetry project and hope to figure out beading next month. Next week I'm looking forward to a trip to a winery in Mission and a visit to South Padre Island -- photos and details will follow.  

I miss everyone and will think of you on Thanksgiving -- peace and blessing to each and every one of you.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Walmart, near Little Rock, Arkansas was a pleasant boondocking experience.  The next evening, as I was driving the less traveled Highway 59 south toward Houston, my GPS revealed boondocking at a WalMart would require driving over 20 miles off of highway 59 each way—since two reasons for boondocking is to save time and mileage, I decided to find another boondocking option. 

I came upon a well lit, flat, and spacious gas/truck station. I asked the owner (female),  if I could spend the night on her property. She said yes and suggested I park between two trucks parked on the corner of her property that “won’t be going anywhere tonight.”  I thanked her and backed into the space between the two trucks – no other trucks were in this location.

After I shut off my engine, I realized both trucks had their motors running – one truck had a flat bed; the other was transporting something—so I debated on staying.  Shortly thereafter, one truck engine motor turned off – so I decided to chance it and turned on my generator and made myself dinner.  It soon got dark and I relaxed and had a glass of wine. Shortly thereafter I heard a train’s repeated and loud whistle that would occur several times over the evening.  In addition, my row of two trucks multiplied over the evening – so did the sound of running motors.  

Needless to say, a good night’s sleep was not possible; however, I did feel safe which is my primary goal when boondocking.  I found a lovely, flat, quiet RV park in Corpus Christi my fourth night and caught up on the sleep I missed the night before.
Hatch RV Park, Corpus Christi, Texas

My drive from Corpus Christi began with 3/4 full gas tank. (I try filling up when my tank is half full); therefore, I passed several gas stations enroute before my tank reached half full. Didn’t get too concerned when I wasn’t seeing any gas stations until a sign read “no service for 60 miles.” Didn’t start to panic until I didn’t see any gas station signs or gas stations (except for a gas station on the divided four lane highway going the opposite direction).  Did panic when the “low gas” signal lit on dashboard and landscape was all I saw for miles and miles ahead. Should I pull off on the shoulder? Should I take an exit? Will 888 just stop?

Decided to continue driving as I looked frantically for any kind of gas station. After many more miles I pulled off at a “Frontage Road” exit figuring there would be less traffic (safer if 888 just stopped) and a better chance for stores, gas stations. I was so, so relieved to see a truck stop up ahead and 888’s motor was still running. This was the first time I’ve ever had the “low gas” signal go on – so I checked the manual and found there are 2 gallons of reserve gas in tank – which with the wind against 888 would be about 25 miles – a very close call.

Mac, I, and 888 arrived at campsite #72 at Tip O’ Texas in Pharr, Texas…safe and sound at 3:30 p.m.  Sue, a friend created and had posted the above sign at campsite #72 in honor of Mac's love for squirrels.

Couldn’t wait to get electricity, running water, and just get settled.  But this day would provide another challenge – no electric.  
It two hours for maintenance staff to determine the electrical problem was underground and could not be resolved that evening. Fortunately, I had a heavy-duty extension cord that reached to a working electric box. I turned on the air conditioner, drank some wine, took Mac for a walk, and settled in
The next evening, Mac and I were invited to a "Welcome Back" dinner which included the jumbo steamed shrimp I LOVE from HEB stores plus wine and Ballatore champagne.

I worked three days and have this weekend off to stock up with groceries, go to bank, get Mac's food and squirrel food. It's so, so nice to know the area and find what I need quickly Life is Good...


Summer highlights included: 

A delightful visit from my Arizona niece, Jennifer.
Marc Chagall’s America Windows - Art Institute, Chicago
A memorial, on the east coast, to honor our friend Dottie.
Birthday celebration at Indiana Dunes State Park with Sharon.

Also enjoyed visits from my Indiana sister, Arlene, and my California niece, Chyna.

Spent a fun-filled culture and wine/food/walnut/tomato tasting within Paso Robles, California with my sister, Phyllis, just before starting my 1400 mile drive to Pharr, Texas, on October 18.

After a "Kitchen Cooked" potato chip stop in Champaign, Illinois, I stopped for the night at the Lakewood campground in Effington, Illinois – my third enjoyable stop at this campsite. The autumn colors were breathtaking.

--Details of my journey to Pharr to be continued--

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Went fishing at Lake City, Minnesota, located on the Mississippi River at Lake Pepin over the Labor Day weekend. 

Lake Pepin is the lake that Laura and her family visit in the "Going to Town" chapter of Little House in the Big Woods, the first book in Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie series.

Julio getting his new motor boat ready for some fishing.

My first two fish: small mouth bass and white bass

Thursday, June 7, 2012

...Living on the EDGE...

 Mac and I are back in Edgewater - in Chicago -- enjoying perfect 70ish degree weather.
"Life is Good!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Capitol Reef - Fruita Campground - Utah
I seized this (much needed) afternoon snooze during our 4400-mile “RVathon.” I remember awakening and walking over to a pioneer house where I bought yummy homemade sourdough bread and delicious canned peaches picked from their local Fruita orchards (listed on the National Register of Historic Places). 

Over 130 Scottish Terriers from eleven states arrived in Baileys Harbor for Door County’s 12th Scottie Rally on May 19.
White Scottie joins parade
Mac and his two friends await a promised treat

Clan Donald Pipe and Drum Corps
The Clan Donald Pipe and Drum Corps led the parade once again. Many locals and tourists lined the streets and applauded our small dogs with a “big attitude!” This gathering of Scottie devotees has raised over $65,000 to support Scottish Terrier health-related research and Scottie Rescue efforts. Mac and I have participated in eight Rallys.

Mac and I had time to check out Door County's Newport State Park area:


Friday, May 11, 2012

Arches National Park features over 2000 arches -- the greatest concentration of natural stone arches in the world. My photos captured: Balanced Rock, The Gossips, the impressive 306’ span of Landscape Arch.  Colossal sandstone fins, massive balanced rocks, soaring pinnacles and spires are seen everywhere you turn at Arches!

Balanced Rock
The Gossips
Deer was on same hike to Landscape Arch

Landscape Arch has 306 foot span. Since 1991, three slabs of sandstone have fallen from the thinnest section. 

Day ended with campfire and sunset at HorseThief campground
Within Canyonlands National Park, the largest national park in Utah, is Island in the
Sky that sits atop a massive 1500 foot mesa. We camped at Willow Flat Campground -- a short walk to the Green River Overlook—offering a beautiful sunset view. 
Green River Overlook
So, so lucky to be one of twelve campers at Willow Flat Campground at Island in the Sky
Flowers growing along highway/walkway
 Flowers and pinyon-juniper forests survive on less than 10 inches of rain annually.
Pinyon tree (pine nuts)
Colorado mountains/snow seen during drive back to Chicago

Spent Thursday night in Colorado; tonight, Friday, night in Nebraska; tomorrow night will camp in Iowa.

The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls. – John Muir


My two cents: 

We live in a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l country with o-u-t-s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g experiences awaiting us at each turn...

