Saturday, December 22, 2012


888 sandwiched in between my tree lights and fence lights

Santa wears shorts when visiting Texans
Last night, Santa and Mrs. Claus, plus residents of Tip O'Texas, gathered to sing Christmas carols throughout the Park. Three different groups assembled: those who chose to walk; those to chose to ride as a group; and those who chose to drive a golf cart and/or bike.  I rode my 3-wheel bike with Mac in the basket.
Mac in basket listening to caroling

Residents passed out glasses of cider to carolers
Residents listened to accordion accompaniment of songs with Santa and carolers


Last night, Santa and Mrs. Claus plus residents of Tip O'Texas, gathered to sing Christmas carols throughout the Park. Three different groups assembled: those who chose to walk; those to chose to ride as a group; and those who chose to drive a golf cart and/or bike.  I rode my 3-wheel bike with Mac in the basket.

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