Monday, March 25, 2013


Mac participated in St. Patrick's Day Parade
Masks and/or dentist?
I chose a dentist in Mexico -- $25 for check up and cleaning; $50 for full X-rays.  There are many dentist offices to choose from -- I went to the one my friends recommended. That clinic is open Monday through Sunday, was huge, and the waiting room was packed with Winter Texans at 8 a.m. on a Friday morning. The cleaning was thorough and the dentist that checked my teeth was the actual owner of the clinic.  I was impressed and would return.  BTW crowns would cost $200.

DVD vendor
Stopped to check out DVDs. Asked to play each one to be sure it was in English and that it would play.  The young boy assisted me with my selections; his sister (who had been sitting under table) appeared when I indicated I would buy the DVDs (3 for $10) with the yellow bag opened to receive the DVDs.
Fresh pineapples are cut for customers
Street scene of stores and vendors
Close up of stores and vendors

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