Saturday, December 22, 2012


888 sandwiched in between my tree lights and fence lights

Santa wears shorts when visiting Texans
Last night, Santa and Mrs. Claus, plus residents of Tip O'Texas, gathered to sing Christmas carols throughout the Park. Three different groups assembled: those who chose to walk; those to chose to ride as a group; and those who chose to drive a golf cart and/or bike.  I rode my 3-wheel bike with Mac in the basket.
Mac in basket listening to caroling

Residents passed out glasses of cider to carolers
Residents listened to accordion accompaniment of songs with Santa and carolers


Last night, Santa and Mrs. Claus plus residents of Tip O'Texas, gathered to sing Christmas carols throughout the Park. Three different groups assembled: those who chose to walk; those to chose to ride as a group; and those who chose to drive a golf cart and/or bike.  I rode my 3-wheel bike with Mac in the basket.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge

Grackle and Green Jay
Russ, Sheryl, and Casey invited Mac and me to join them for a visit to Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge located about  a 1-1/2 hour drive northeast of Pharr.

The ocelot is a small, wild cat found only in south Texas. Among thorny trees and shrubs, ocelots find food and shelter as they search for their mates and raise their young.  Thorny forest habitats are being protected, so that ocelots can survive.
  Aplomado FalconAplomado Falcon was reintroduced from Mexico after disappearing from south Texas in the 1950’s because of pesticide use, habitat change, and egg collection. It is currently seen in coastal prairies of Laguna Atascosa.

Vulture and Gull with fish at Gull's foot 
Great Blue Heron

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Bike group (I'm on left with orange/yellow vest) rides to breakfast on Friday mornings.  It's a nice way to learn more about the area and get exercise. 

Re-positioned 888 to sit facing east (instead of south). Now the south and north winds flow through the windows of 888 keeping Mac and I comfortable inside. Also sitting on the north side of 888 blocks out the wind and sun -- so Mac sits on his hammock and me on my chaise and we relax. Saw a great egret outside my window; the next day I saw it fly from one post to another - magnificnt.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rio Grand Valley Roadtrips

Gerry, an Atlantic Green turtle, was stranded during a mid 80’s hurricane.  After his capture, he became too friendly with humans making it unsafe for him to be released. Hence, he lives in a 20,000 gallon tank where he interacts with the public and eats lettuce. Gerry has met both Johnny Carson and David Letterman.


 South Padre Island is a lifesaver for birds migrating from Southern Mexico and northern Central America. Its Word Birding Center includes 4800 linear feet of boardwalks and seven bird blinds.

Reddish Egret

Bales seen as we drove to Jaber Estate Winery, the first vineyard in Rio Grand Valley
Grapes left over after Feb/June harvest
After years of working in the Texas oil fields, Mr. Jaber began his dream of a vineyard in 2009 to prove great wine can become a reality in the Valley.  Cattle, horses, sheep, ducklings share his 200+ acreage. We wine-tasted his red and his white wine - produced from 100% of his grapes creates a dry and unique taste.
