Thursday, March 1, 2012

The huisache, sweet acacia, tree is native to south Texas and Mexico but not friendly to those of us with allergies.

The sun ignited this green-winged teal’s markings.
green-winged teal
male northern shoveler

The sun also ignited this male northern shoveler’s colors; note: long broad bill.

The great egret flew to another location shortly after I snapped this photo at Estero Liano Grande in Weslaco on February 29.
great egret
Saw seven different turtles sunning themselves on rocks and wood in various waterways—whereas, two alligators proved camera shy as they sunned themselves on distant banks of Alligator Lake.
The brilliant yellow color of the goldfinch is just beginning to emerge as its breeding period begins in March. 

Hard to believe it, but these beautiful white flowers emerge from pink pods centered within the spiky yucca plant. 

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